KAUPUNKILAISTA SIELUA ETSIMÃSSÃ Helsingin Sanomat May 20th 2000 by Anu Uimonen
Extract from review on ArtGenda2000, Bienniale in Helsinki by Anu Uimonen.
"In the dark halls of the warehouse we are offered different strange environments. It ranges from Szcecins to images of the city of Malmö. But the most touching installation we find at Gallery Jangva were Bjørg Taranger, Mona Eckhoff Sørmo & Ellen Solberg from Bergen has created a video triptych with some very thought through themes which touches the identity of the modern urban being, vulnerability, the agony of memory and the artificial stress. From it you can hear the pulse of the urban soul."
Photo: Sound of the Urban Soul, video installation Galleria Jangva
(Translated to english by Jan Pettersson)